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Hi Mike, hope you are well. Just wanted to say thanks once again for getting me the thermal fluid as quickly as you did after our little mishap. I’m not sure if I ever made it clear exactly what happened.

We had to replace a 6” expansion hose on the roof so we had to drain all of the oil out of our system. After the repairs were made the system was filled back up with a small pump feeding a 1” valve then the system was fired back up. The set point on our Fulton is 575 degrees. It was human error I hate to admit but the truth is the truth the guys left the pump hooked up and the valve turned on and when the boiler got to set point the hose could not take the heat and ruptured loosing almost all of my oil. The saving grace of the whole ordeal was the fact that the oil did not flash all it did was smoke which proves your product once again. You and I have been doing business together since the mid 80’s and I was never more proud of that fact that night of our mishap. Thanks once again and the next time you are close maybe we can hit the little white ball.

John Reed
Facility Engineer Manager
Case Farms Foods, 330 Pecan Rd., Dudley, NC. | 919-735-5010


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