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How great is this Heat Transfer Fluid we have been using for the last 5 years?

1. Our Flow rates haven’t diminished since we installed this oil 5 years ago. The flow through our pumps have been constant and no fouling of our heat exchangers at the point of use has been an added value.

2. The pumps have also been the running on same seals since day one of this oil which is an added bonus, due to the cost of this type of seal.

3. Carbonizing in the strainers has not been seen, we have pulled the strainers numerous times as a PM and each time there has been less than 1 oz. at a time.

4. We have run the temperatures of the boilers the same since day 1, which is a savings in fuel to the boiler for not having to cycle as much.

Rene Fonseca
Ruiz Foods Refrig Lead


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